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Last year of today, Shinji was heading to Las Vegas to pick up Lucy. Well, at this point we were officially informed that FAA will not approve to use any ferry tanks for our Eartheounder 2021 mission flight. It was just painful decision but we had no choice. That’s it why there were a lot of things was happening behind scenes which Shinji never talked about detail prior to departure. That much, Shinji was laser focused on how he was going to navigate all obstacles. 去年の今日、前田はラスベガスにルーシーを迎えにペインフィールドを出発しました。この時点で米国航空局からフェリータンクの使用不可が出て大慌てで世界一周ルートの見直しがされていました。世界一周の2週間前には想像以上のドラマが起きていました。#エアロジパングプロジェクト#世界一周#準備#まさかの#補助#燃料#ダンク#不許可#マジ#でも#やりきった#また#誰もやってないことをやってみる#aerozypanguproject#flyaroundtheworld#prep#no#ferry#tank#but#shinji#did#nofuel

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