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I am back!!

Dear all, thank you very much.

On 6/11/2021, 2:40pm local time, I came back to Snohomish WA with "Lucy," N9787Y, from flying around the world mission flight. I would like to inform you that our mission flight successfully completed and we were able to fly over 18 countries to spread out hopes and dreams. It was a very tough, stressful but at the same time very meaningful flight because we were able to meet a lot of wonderful and warm hearted people. A lot of people welcomed us and that was just amazing.

Ironically, about 23 years ago this week, a car accident changed my life dramatically. No one expected that I would survive the accident. I did, but I lived in discrimination for a long while. This must have been a god's challenge......

Before I left Seattle, people asked me "what's your dream after flying around the world?" I kept saying "no dream at this moment" because, honestly, my focus was just to return to my family safely. I am super happy to be back to my family because "ordinary life is just beautiful and enough" for me.

To make this safe return, I was not able to come back without all of your support and sponsorship. Thank you, thank you and thank you very much. Especially, without support from Adrian Eichhorn (my mentor), Michael Thompson (my chief mechanic, Avstar Aircraft of Washington Inc) and Ahmed Hassan Mohamed (my navigator, GASE) , this mission fight never happened and I didn't make it back home.

My future responsibility is very clear now. I will continue to meet people and talk about what I did in the past and what you can do in your life. Nothing changed as I participated. Flying around world is not the end of our NPO's mission - it was just one of phases our NPO set to show "you are possible."

Again, thank you for your support and prayers. Thank you very much.

Earthrounder/ Aero Zypangu Project Shinji Maeda

6月11日 米国ワシントン州午後2時40分に愛機ルーシーと共に帰還しました。改めて今回のミッションフライトが終了しましたことをご報告申し上げます。43日間、18各国を飛んだこのフライトは想像以上に厳しく、過酷さに満ちたフライトが続きました。しかしながら、 それ以上に各訪問国での温かい歓迎は私たちを勇気づけ、今回のミッションフライトの目的である「夢と希望の拡散」の意味の何たるかを皆様と共有することができました。


米国を出発する前に多くの人達から「世界一周後の夢、目標は何ですか?」という質問がありましたが、私は一貫して「現時点でその先のことはまだ考えていません。ただ単純に家族の元に戻ってくることです…」 出発前も飛行中も、このことしか頭にありませんでした。 事実、フライトは困難を極めましたし、もうダメだと思ったことは何度もありました。この経験から一言言えることはいかに「普通の生活」が一番素晴らしいかということです。




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