We got following message with some feedback from audiences from Japan fair today:
“Thank you for your participation and presentation at Japan fair. Your seminar filled the room up quickly and those people are so diverse. Looking forward to seeing you again after your flying the world mission complete.
Participant notes:
“I’d like to see you at Sarabetsu Necchu School.”
“The speaker was inspirational! It seemed he gave pitch for support before “why” however.”
“Awesome presentation!”
“Good speaker, speaking from his heart & is authentic.”
“Shinji is a very impressive speaker. I enjoyed listening to his story”
“Shinji was great! Thank you!!””
Thank you for giving us opportunity providing the motivational speech there!
Japan fair team 事務局から以下のメッセージを頂きました。
“前田さん、Aero Zypangu Projectの皆さんおかげさまでJapan Fair2019が無事に終了しました。セミナーを提供いただきありがとうございました。満員盛況、しかも参加者の年齢性別国籍も多様でしたね。プロジェクトのご成功をお祈りしております。Japan Fair 2021でのご報告をお待ちしております。
このような機会をいただき、ありがとうございました!#oneeyedpilots #shinji #mission #dreamer#dream #harderbetterfasterstronger #coolchange#training #モチベーション上げる #モチベーションアップの秘訣 #プロペラ #飛行機好き #飛行機好きな人と繋がりたい #ボナンザ #ビーチクラフト #小型機好き#操縦訓練 #世界一周