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A Road of the Toyota 3


A road of the Toyota 3 トヨタ工業学園までの道 エピソード3

After sent letter to the academy, this is what Shinji got from Mr. Yamashita, principal of Toyota technical skill academy (rightest on this picture).

“Maeda-san, we usually refuse all public speech requests at our academy because there were so many people who were only trying to take advantage of name of “Toyota” or status of our company. But you seem very different person than those people. I believe you have solid commitment for education as an engineer. I’m personally looking for your presentation at our academy and I’m also excited this opportunity.

It was the breakthrough point to make this trip happen. It was also the highest honor moment to get this acknowledgement from a skillful Toyota engineer, Mr. Yamashita.

手紙の送付後、2ヶ月も経たない頃、前田はトヨタ工業学園 山下学園長からZoomの会議でこう聞かされました。


技術屋集団のトヨタ工業学園 山下学園長からの言葉は身に余るものでした。でも熱意が伝わった瞬間でした。さぁ日本に行くぞ!



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