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Need flesh cash

On 5/27/2021, in India. If you are planning to circumnavigation in the future, Shinji suggest you to have a “new/flesh” cash with you because some country may not accept old bills. This is what happened in India which we didn’t know until we landed. Lucky, Shinji had about $2000 flesh cash with $100 Benjamin Franklin but they didn’t accept none of old Benjamin bills. Shinji was little panicked because he knew that we would need more cash later. Some country will not accept any credit cards at that time and what he had was all old $100 bills. This may apply to for general trips as well because Indian handler told me that “cannot deposit at their bank if they are not new bills”.

5/27/2021 インドでの給油中の出来事。「新札以外は受け取りません」とハンドラーが言い始めたのです。幸いこの支払いには十分なベンジャミンの新札があったものの、手元に残ったのは旧札の100ドル札。スリランカ以降、どの国に行くかがまだ決まっていなかったためキャッシュが必要になる可能性が出てきました。日本も実を言うと銀行振込と日本の現金のみでした。クレジットカードが使えないので、このお金の紙幣のやり取りには本当に余計ない神経を使いました。

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