“Wow!! How did you do that, Mr. Maeda??? No one slept while you were giving speech today”. One of their instructor asked Shinji after his presentation.
Actually, Shinji had same question from one of professor when he spoke at one of University in Japan. Nowadays, although kids has skill to expose any information via internet, they have less experience to meet “real people with their real voice”. Therefore, Shinji strongly believe that “sending right experience story with right attitude is important for next generation people”. Yes, they had a great time again with Shinji. @GPIusinc
今の子供たちは情報に触れる機会は多くても『本気な人に、マジのメッセージを生で聞く機会』がほぼほぼないのが現実です。だからこそ僕ら大人が子供たちのやる気、興味を引き出すことを『学校現場以外、特に家庭や地域』で経験させることが重要と考えています。みんな今回もスイッチ入っていました。#oneeyedcfi#oneeyedpilots #aerozypanguproject#motivationalspeakers #エアロジパングプロジェクト#片目の飛行教官 #片目のパイロット #講演 #青春 #集中 #熱血 #男子高校生 #スイッチオン #グッドラックGPI US