We often hear the necessity of developing of global Human resources in Japan, especially because of declining Japanese birthrate. Well, Shinji’s presentation always opens up new student’s perspective. They tends to say “what!! Really? No way!”so Shinji says “yes way!! Thats why they need to dig into deeply what they hear”. Today’s presentation was new real deal for them. Special thanks to Snohomish flying service for their hospitality!!
#桜美林 #桜美林大学 #桜美林大学生 #シアトル #研修 #グローバル人材 #意味不明 #目が覚めた #行こう #次のステージへ #航空管制 #航空管制官 #卵 #航空管制官になる夢 #管制官 #なれるよ #snohomishflyingservice #snohomishflying #snohomishflyingatharveyfield #harveyfield
